Find a Provider

The network includes NMC facilities and providers, as well as the Cigna OAP network. In order to maximize your healthcare benefits, seek services with NMC physicians & facilities. To find a NMC Provider or a Cigna OAP Provider, click the directory links below or contact customer service at (855) 999-6830.

NMC Providers
NMC providers fall under the Tier 1 benefits under this health plan. Utilizing these providers will help you maximize your benefits under this health plan.

Cigna OAP Providers
Cigna Open Access is a nation-wide network, and services from these providers fall under the Tier 2 benefits under this health plan.

If you are traveling out of the area and need medical attention or live outside the area,
only then can you use a Cigna provider. Click here to find a Cigna In-Network provider.