Allegiance Benefit Plan Management, Inc. (Allegiance) is very proud to provide claims processing services to the Montana Contractors’ Association Health Care Trust (MCAHCT). In addition to processing medical, dental, vision, and short-term disability claims for MCAHCT, Allegiance COBRA Services provides COBRA Continuation Coverage administration. The MCA Trust Office processes the Life and AD&D benefits. Allegiance, known for excellent service throughout the Northwest, has a dedicated service team to assist you with your questions regarding the MCAHCT benefit plan and its provisions.

MCAHCT is an employer-sponsored, self-insured health plan subject to federal regulations. Since 1988, the MCAHCT has maintained reasonable contribution rates for providing coverage to participating employers and their employees. The MCA Trust Office in Billings, MT, administers the MCAHCT on behalf of the Board of Trustees (nine members appointed by the MCA Board of Directors).

The links above will allow you 24-hour access to information about your claims, access to forms, and ability to read the MCAHCT Benefit Plan Document/SPD.

If the information contained in the links above do not address your question or provide the information you need, please click on the link “Contact Us” and you will receive a list of ways to contact Allegiance and the MCA Trust Office. We will respond to your email within one to three business days.

Thank you for your participation in the MCAHCT.

Better Health Benefits
Start with Allegiance

Since 1981, the Allegiance Companies have earned a reputation for quality, service, and efficiency unmatched throughout the country. Since its earliest days, our company has been a leader in providing health benefit plans to employer groups and plan participants throughout the United States.

We have always remained dedicated to one thing: outstanding customer service. That commitment continues today as strong as ever. Our corporate spirit has always been one of allegiance to the companies we serve. Our people are deeply committed to our clients and to plan participants.


Allegiance Member Portal Walkthrough
Log into the Allegiance Member Portal for quick access to claims and benefit information.

Please Note: The walkthrough video reflects general login instructions. Please continue to log in using the login link on this custom site.

Take Allegiance On the Go

Our website offers personalized services at the click of a mouse. By registering, you will have 24 hour access to information regarding your health plan. You can check the status of a claim, review coverage and benefits, and verify who is covered under your plan.

These services are also available through the Allegiance Mobile App available in Google Play and Apple App stores.

Contact Us

MCA Trust Office: To anwer your questions regarding Life and AD&D Benefits, Hour Bank, & Eligibility, Enrollment and Plan Administration
P.O. Box 30177
Billings, MT 59107
406-256-9910 - office
406-255-7123 - fax
Claims Administrator Allegiance Benefit Plan Management, Inc.
2806 S. Garfield St.
P.O. Box 3018
Missoula, MT 59806
Normal Hours of Operation Monday - Friday
6:00 am - 6:00 pm MST

Customer Service 1-877-720-7827

Allegiance Holiday Closures

New Year's Day January 1st
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Third Monday in January
President's Day Third Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4th
Labor Day First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Friday after Thanksgiving Fourth Friday in November
Christmas Eve (1/2 day) December 24th
Christmas Day December 25th


For assistance regarding a claim or to pre-notify for medical services,
please call the customer service number at 1-877-720-7827.

CAA Customer Balance Billing Disclosure Out-of-Network