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Tier 1 Providers

Utilizing Helena Public Schools providers offers the highest benefit coverage level and most affordable care. Click the link below to find a Tier 1 Provider with St Peter’s.

Tier 2 Providers

Click the link below to find a Tier 2 Provider with Allegiance.

Tier 2 utilizes the Cigna Preferred Provider Organization Network. The Cigna PPO Network includes physicians, hospitals, and ancillary providers throughout the United States. These providers will process at the in-network benefit percent level. To search for providers who participate in the CIGNA PPO Network, click the link below and you will be directed to the search page. On the search page, under select a plan, please choose PPO, Choice Fund PPO.

If you are traveling out of the area and need medical attention or live outside the area,
only then can you use a Cigna provider. Click here to find a Cigna In-Network provider.